The reality is a complete mess..._3

"It seems that the establishment of Torrent Castle is just around the corner."

Murphy smiled, shut down the forum, stretched lazily, and then, with Cui Si in his arms, entered into the quiet slumber of deep night.

After he had fallen asleep, Cui Si's eyes suddenly opened in his arms.

Blood Vulture Duke, still a bit tipsy, but a lot more steady than when she had been walking earlier, looked up quietly at Murphy, who was deep in sleep. She reached out and brushed his shoulder-length hair aside, curling her lips and muttering,



Under the calm night sky, Teacher Li, getting out of the taxi, limped with his cane toward a rural courtyard.

He didn't knock but took out his key and unlocked the door himself.

The yard was silent; two well-kept Border Collies eyed the visitor warily but wagged their tails and bounded up to greet him once they recognized Teacher Li.

Clearly, he was a regular visitor to this courtyard.
