362. New Handyman at the Adventurer Guild

Teacher Li returned home that same night, as he had classes to teach the next day.

Being a physical education teacher at a high school is probably the most "relaxed" job in the world; if he wanted, he could slack off within "reasonable" limits without incurring the dislike of his colleagues.

But there are these incredible beings called "student athletes," and a significant part of Teacher Li's daily work involved training and supervising them.

In any case, he couldn't be idle, but as long as there was time to sleep, he could satisfy his desire to play "Real Different World." After all, for a middle-aged, single man with no attachments, nights were always hard to get through; he might as well go "perform acts of chivalry" in another world.

As for his "wheelchair-bound" friend, he also received his share of the "surprise" the next morning, when he was woken up by dog barking just as the sun rose, despite staying up late with the intention of sleeping in.