Chapter 269: Opponent_1

As the time for the King of the Century battle was approaching, the entire Gaia was experiencing a growing surge of discussions around the topic of the King of the Century competition.

Not only the Six Poles of the world, but other member countries of the Human Alliance also shifted their attention and energy to the King of the Century battle.

Though these countries were mostly average in terms of national power, hardly able to gather many Star Refiners, yet...

Every nation that managed to establish itself and be recognized as a member of the Human Alliance would invariably have a Grand Star Scavenger at its helm.

For this specially formed Special Union Team, every member country of the Human Alliance had to dispatch at least one Grand Star Scavenger. As these Grand Star Scavengers embodied the honor and rise and fall of their small nations, they naturally paid great heed when it came to the King of the Century battle led by the overall commander of the Special Union Team.