Chapter 270: Ace_1

Tianyuan, Moyun Island.

This is the nearest island to Red Flame Island in Tianyuan.

The distance between the two is less than four hundred miles.

Under the rule that Star Refiners cannot approach the vicinity of Red Flame Island within three hundred miles, this place is the temporary command center set up by Tianyuan for the King of the Century war.


At this moment, this not-so-luxurious command post is visited by personages who can stir up storms in Tianyuan and even the world.

It is not uncommon to see top Star Refiners who can serve as frontier officials on usual days, as well as Grand Star Scavengers who rule kingdoms.

But regardless of top Star Refiners or Grand Star Scavengers, their identities and statuses are far inferior to the two figures standing at the forefront.


One is Fu Qingtian, a legendary Star Refining Master who transitioned from the second King of the Century, and is a Tianyuan Supreme!

The other one...