Chapter 19: The Majority Should Not Overwhelm The Minority_1

PS: I would appreciate some recommendation votes as my current rank on the new book list has been dropping instead of increasing this week. Your support is much needed to help boost it.


"If you, Li Xuan, are worrying about your family, there's actually no need. Your family, the Earl Chengyi, has been suppressing the Yangtze River for nearly 300 years, and all those underwater Dragon Kings and great demons are now only selling you face. Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, His Majesty will not easily replace the tidu of the Caojiang navy. Because when those members of the Demon Tribe act out, not only is the shipping and commerce of the Capital City affected, but once a flood starts, no one will be able to bear the responsibility."

Jiang Hanyun spoke with an admiring tone: "My father said that Earl Chengyi is loyal and patriotic, with the spirit of ancient ministers. Even after being stripped of his official position, he has been working hard to maintain peace on the Yangtze River. If it were anyone else, at this point, even if they weren't causing trouble, they would have become silent observers enjoying the court's turmoil."

Li Xuan was taken aback upon hearing this, as he didn't remember this part from the original owner's memories. He only knew that Earl Chengyi was deeply connected with those Dragon Kings and great demons, but he wasn't aware that the Earl had such a reputation along both sides of the Yangtze River.

Jiang Hanyun's voice suddenly faltered here and she looked ahead in surprise. Li Xuan also turned his gaze and his eyes filled with seriousness.

He could see a group of about a dozen young men dressed as scholars coming towards them with such fierceness that most of them were familiar to Li Xuan. Some of them had even fought with him, accompanying the now deceased Cui Hongshu.

They were all renowned scions of Nanjing City, only differing in that the original owner was part of the circle of nobles, while the approaching group were children of officialdom.

However, the one at the center, surrounded by the others, was completely unfamiliar to Li Xuan. This man, of around eighteen years of age, had a handsome face and a dignified demeanor, with a tall and robust figure, at least half a head taller than Li Xuan. His gaze was firmly on Li Xuan, a cruel light hidden within his eyes, and he walked briskly, carrying a wind-like momentum.

Jiang Hanyun covered half of her face with her fan, looking intrigued: "It seems like they're here to cause you trouble, with more than a dozen people. Strength in numbers. The leading guy is already close to the fourth house level and about to break through. It looks like you're in a tough spot this time."

But Li Xuan was full of confidence: "With Colonel Xiaowei here, what do I, Li Xuan, have to fear from these insignificant people?"

From what he knew, his superior was exceptionally protective, as evident from the case with Lanyue House.

Moreover, he was now equipped with a 'Kuiniu Luminous Armor' which would even protect him should a real fight ensue - none of these weaklings in front of him would be likely to break through his defenses.

Peng Fulai and Zhang Taishan also plucked up the courage to join them at this moment. The former was wearing a fawning expression on his face: "What's the fear of being outnumbered? A couple of hundred such riffraff wouldn't be enough for just one hand of Colonel Xiaowei."

Li Xuan then asked in a low voice: "Fulai, do you recognize who that person is? I haven't seen him before."

When it came to recognizing faces, Peng Fulai was far better than him.

As expected, the portly man didn't disappoint him: "That person is called Zhang Jin, a descendant of the Duke of Rongguo. Although he isn't from the main line, his father holds the official position of Shidu scholar and Shaozhanshi of the Jian Shi Mansion in court. When did you offend him, Qianzhi?"

The Jian Shi Mansion of the Great Jin Dynasty is an institution that assists the Crown Prince, and the Shidu scholar is one of the heads of the Hanlin Academy. While both of these roles hold relatively low official titles, they're all exceptionally prestigious, just a few steps away from being high-ranking officials aiding the chancellor.

As they were talking, the young man had already walked up to them. After standing still, he half-closed his eyes and, leveraging his height, looked down at the four of them: "Are you Li Xuan?"

By this time, the surroundings had already started humming with noise. Many people by the lake had been alarmed by this disturbance and were gathering over.

"And who are you? What business do you have with me?"

Li Xuan's reply was also quite rude. However, just as he opened his mouth, a fist flew at him from the other side. It even carried the force of thunder, like an unleashed arrow.

If it wasn't for Li Xuan's vigilance, and usage of a 'Wind Walking Talisman' on his body, he would've certainly been hit right on the nose.

At this moment, with the essence of the talisman, he floated back a step, just avoiding the brunt of the punch, then frowned at the person across from him: "This is Duke Xuguo's mansion, are you sure you want to cause a scene here?"

"I'll apologize to the owner here later."

Zhang Jin sneered, then suddenly hit his palm heavily with his fist: "Today, even if the God itself tries to stop me, I'm going to beat you up. If you're scared, if you don't want to get hit, then kneel and beg for mercy, admit that you're no better than an animal, apologize to Miss Xi three times, then I can magnanimously pardon you just this once."

Li Xuan's eyes became as sharp as a blade, instantly directed toward the girl named Miss Xi in the crowd.

He had suspected that this was some grudge left from his past self but it seemed that it was this Miss Xi, who failed to garner his affections, was stirring up trouble.

"Begging for mercy?" A laugh escaped from Peng Fulai: "I suggest you reconsider. It won't do you any good if things really come to blows."

"Are you that Peng Fulai? Do you think the Earl Chengyi's mansion can still protect your Peng Family? You're still willing to play the flunky?"

Zhang Jin scoffed disdainfully, then currents of electricity started to emit from his fist: "What are you all standing there for? Get them. Today, as long as no one dies, it's all on me——"

But his words were abruptly cut off when he saw his situation. His dozen or so companions were all trembling and their little legs were shaking.

"That woman next to him is Jiang Hanyun." A person walked up to Zhang Jin, pale-faced, and whispered in his ear: "The notorious Blood Hand Shura!"

The son of this Hanlin Academy scholar also started to tremble, his face turned green then instantly pale.

Even though he'd heard of Jiang Hanyun's reputation from afar, in Beijing.

"So, it is Major Jiang, a Devaraja."

Maybe it's because he had not directly experienced the frightening Blood Hand Shura, Zhang Jin managed to maintain his composure and greeted Jiang Hanyun with a bow: "This is a private matter between Li Xuan and me. Surely you are not planning to intervene?"

Jiang Hanyun's eyelashes fluttered, she smiled enigmatically: "I don't bully the weaker ones, but I definitely can't just sit and watch someone bully my subordinate. Well, as long as you guys don't gang up, I won't interfere."

Zhang Jin's spirits seemed to boost upon hearing these words. He looked at Li Xuan again: "So, can I only fight face-to-face? Let me clarify, this is not a competition, and I won't stop when you beg."

"I said I wouldn't interfere." Jiang Hanyun hid her smile with her folding fan again: "As long as you have the ability, you can make him look however you want."

"Thank you for your favor, officer." Zhang Jin laughed, looking at Li Xuan with a spark of provocation and contempt: "Come on out, how long are you going to hide behind a woman?"

With a soft sigh, Li Xuan stepped forward until he was five steps away from Zhang Jin: "Brother Zhang, we have no grudges against each other, I hope you won't regret this."

His words, however, drew a peal of laughter from the crowd, most of whom cast sarcastic glances at Li Xuan.

Li Xuan, also known as Li Qianzhi, was infamous for his dissolute and frivolous ways. On the other hand, Zhang Jin was known for his cultivation, combining wind and thunder elements, and was clearly advancing steadily."

Peng Fulai also thought that Li Xuan was speaking big words. He frowned and whispered to Zhang Taishan: "Should we just go with a mass brawl? We can't just watch Qianzhi get beaten."

He felt that his good friend had been kicked into the fire pit by Jiang Hanyun.

"There's no need, this Zhang Jin may not necessarily be a match for Qianzhi." Zhang Taishan sneered: "Fulai, don't you remember, yesterday Qianzhi almost froze the arm of Situ Zhong with a single palm. Situ Zhong, who is the Head Constable of Jinling in purple clothes, has reached the fifth house level. Is that something an ordinary person can do?"

It may have slipped the mind of Peng Fulai yesterday, but he had watched with his own eyes as Situ Zhong's right arm remained slightly stiff for a long while.

"Really?" Peng Fulai looked in surprise at Li Xuan's back, now feeling a little hopeful again.