Chapter 20: A Slap, A Lump of Ice 2_1

"Don't worry, Xue. Mr. Zhang will certainly take revenge for you!"

In the crowd, a young girl excitedly spoke to her companions, "I have some knowledge in Martial Law. Mr. Zhang's punch just now was a clear demonstration of top-notch martial arts. His Zhenyuan is also about to enter the fourth house level. Compared to Mr. Zhang, that scoundrel is nothing."

However, Xi Xuer still looked worried, "Li Xuan is just a wastrel who relies on his family name to commit outrageous acts. How could he possibly be Mr. Zhang's rival? How could I bear to see Mr. Zhang offend Earl Chengyi's mansion and Duke Xuguo's residence because of me?"

The young girls standing behind her showed disdain and sneered.

"I think there's no need to worry about this. With the prominent status of Mr. Zhang's family, Duke Xuguo wouldn't dare to trouble him. As for Earl Chengyi's mansion, they are already struggling, and this time they might even be dispossessed and lose their noble title. How could they dare to offend the son of a Hanlin scholar?"

Meanwhile, in a pavilion thirty feet away, Lady Jiang also looked worried.

"So, does it mean that Li Xuan will lose?"

"He will not only lose, but also be beaten badly," Xue Yunrou spoke with utmost certainty, "I've told you, he's a good-for-nothing, completely inept and indolent. Despite his inherent good talent, at this age, his cultivation technique and Zhenyuan are just at the second house level. How lazy could someone be?"

Lady Jiang could hear the schadenfreude in Xue Yunrou's voice and let out a sigh, "Your cousin really shouldn't have watched idly. When she ought to be gentle and well-behaved, she instead behaves like a lit firecracker. Sigh, I shouldn't have let her practice martial arts."

Li Xuan could faintly hear the discussions around him, but he didn't pay them much attention. These people were only stating facts. If it hadn't been for his slight improvement in martial arts since he took over this body, and if he didn't have the Kuiniu luminous armor on him, he might have been beaten black and blue by now.

Now, Li Xuan is confident that he can win, if luck is on his side, he might not even need the precious armour this time.

"Why must we resort to this?" He sighed, "Even if Mr. Zhang has a grudge against me, and wants to take me down a notch, he could have chosen another time and place. There's no need to make matters difficult for our hosts."

Li Xuan doesn't fancy playing the role of a troublesome guest, nor does he like the disgrace that may come with this brawl. However, if the other party insists on standing up for a woman, Li Xuan doesn't mind giving Zhang Jin a surprise with his newly improved Ice Style vitality.

"Enough with the nonsense, do you think you can get me to back off with some smooth talk?"

Zhang Jin sneered coldly. He glanced at Jiang Hanyun and saw that she had no intention of interfering. He felt much assured and said, "Watch out. Don't blame me for not giving a warning later!"

Li Xuan shook his head while gathering his inner energy, "Once again, Mr. Zhang, you will regret this. Let me give you a heads up. My cold power has greatly improved recently but I can't control it well, so you'd better be prepared."

He was afraid of injuring Zhang Jin too severely, or even killing him with one palm strike. The icy palm strike he used in the morning to freeze the female ghost confirmed the level of his cold power.

However, with Jiang Hanyun there, there shouldn't be major issues.

But his words only elicited laughter from the crowd. Zhang Jin, on the other hand, didn't feel like saying more, he moved quickly, stepping forward and covering the distance of a yard to just a step within a flash. There was the sound of thunder, and his fist was even more ferocious and faster!

However, Li Xuan didn't try to dodge this time. He knew that the opponent used a 'Wind Walking Talisman', which had greatly increased his reaction speed, far surpassing his own.

What he needed to do now was to send a well-prepared 'Cold Breath Fierce Palm' right at the opponent.

This move, 'Deep Freezing', from the Cold Breath Fierce Palm, was the one that Li Xuan practiced the most and had the most confidence in.

Relying on the precious armour he wore, he was not afraid of the other's punch at all. However, if the opponent were to be hit by his palm attack, the outcome would be quite interesting.

However, midway through his right palm attack, Zhang Jin on the other side withdrew his fist, switched to a blocking stance, and blocked Li Xuan's palm strike.

This man sneered coldly, "Trying to exchange blows? You wish—"

But the voice of Zhang Jin abruptly stopped as an ultimate cold power surged into his arm like a wild tide, then madly surged upwards, spreading to all parts of his body, limbs, and bones.

At this moment, on the outside of his body, a thin layer of ice had actually formed.

Zhang Jin was greatly alarmed and his face turned pale. However, before he could do anything, his whole being was turned into an ice sculpture.

The edge of this artificial small lake was deathly silent at this moment. Three breaths had passed before someone was jolted awake, immediately shouting aloud, "Quick, come help! We need a spell cultivator, or a martial cultivator from the fourth house level or above, who cultivates in fire and yang!"

"The fourth house level is not enough! This cold power is too severe, at least the fifth house level, otherwise, someone will die!"

"Speed up! Quick, melt the ice on his head first, Mr. Zhang is running out of breath!"

The companions that Zhang Jin brought along, the vast majority were disbelieving, as they watched Li Xuan with shocked expressions.

Amidst the chaos and noise on the scene, Peng Fulai muttered under his breath and looked at Li Xuan as though he were a divine being. "You almost killed him just now."

"As I said, I can't control it now."Li Xuan was also taken aback, fortunately, this guy blocked the attack with uncanny timing, otherwise the result would have been hard to predict.

At the same time, his gaze was as cold as knife, sweeping over Xi Xuer in the crowd who looked as dumbfounded as a wooden chicken. She clearly sensed the chilling malice in Li Xuan's eyes, her delicate body shivered, and a trace of fear and shock appeared on her face.

This guy, his abilities are so strong? This doesn't look like the good-for-nothing her best friend described.

"You two are just weak chickens pecking at each other, what's there to be proud of?"

Jiang Hanyun walked to Zhang Jin's side and passively slapped him, melting the ice on him.

However, the son of this Hanlin scholar, still had his eyes closed tightly, his teeth clenched, and his face was purple and blue.

Li Xuan saw that Jiang Hanyun's move, merely kept him from suffocating to death, and did not directly resolve the Ice Style vitality within his body.

So this brother Zhang will have to eat a pocketful of bitterness afterwards.

Jiang Hanyun smiled at Zhang Jin, who was begging for help from within the ice, then turned her head to look at Li Xuan with profound meaning: "But I was indeed not mistaken yesterday, Li Xuan, your talent in Ice Style vitality is unparalleled. But how do you cultivate normally? You're still only at the second house level! What's Earl Chengyi thinking, just watching you waste this top-notch talent?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but scratch his face, speechless.

His previous self was indeed very lazy, spending most of his days sunbathing, which filled him with deep resentment.

As for talent, although the talent of the original body was not bad, it was not at the top level.

However, after he crossed over, not only did his spirit power increase more than tenfold, the visualisation effects of various refrigerants seemed to be particularly effective.

Meanwhile, in the distant pavilion, Lady Jiang was looking at Xue Yunrou with a strange expression: "It's rare to see you misjudge, is this the mediocrity you mentioned? Not necessarily, right?"

Xue Yunrou felt a sour sensation in her teeth: "I can only say his talent is indeed excellent, but don't you find it more hateful, Aunt? Such a talent that others crave, but he just wastes it. Saying he's lazy and ignorant, there's no mistake."

"Being a bit lazy is okay, mediocrity is a blessing, the key is to look at a person's character." Lady Jiang evidently had a very good impression of Li Xuan: "I see his manners and actions are courteous and appropriate. He is a man who understands propriety."