Chapter 21 Why Am I So Unlucky?_1

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Because of this sudden uproar, Li Xuan had to stay at Duke Xuguo's residence for nearly an hour longer before he could embark on his return journey.

Mostly because dealing with the aftermath was a hassle. Zhang Jin's mother rushed over, crying and carrying on, threatening Li Xuan, and even threatened to report to the authorities to get him incarcerated. She wanted him to pay with his life.

However, the people at Duke Xuguo's residence were prudent. After nearly half of the cold power within Zhang Jin had been dealt with, confirming that his life was not in danger, they let him go.

After all, Li Xuan was in the right. The first to initiate the conflict wasn't him, and he had repeatedly warned the other party beforehand. Even if this were brought to the authorities, they could not convict him of any crime.

Upon leaving Duke Xuguo's residence, Li Xuan initially intended on returning home in the company of Zhang Yue and Peng Fulai.

The reason the three of them were such close friends was not only because they shared common interests, but more importantly, because they lived close to each other, as neighbors.

However, with Jiang Hanyun riding along with them, Zhang Yue and Peng Fulai avoided him like the plague. They preferred getting home late rather than accompanying him on the journey.

Baffled, Li Xuan asked, "Doesn't the Xiaowei live in the south of the city?"

"West!" Jiang Hanyun smiled gently: "I am going to visit Earl Chengyi at your place to inquire about his parenting methods."

Li Xuan suddenly felt as if he was a primary school student being taken to see his parents by his teacher. "But it's already so late, isn't that a little inappropriate? Why don't we do it some other time?"

He sneaked a glance at Jiang Hanyun's expression, finding that she had no intent to reschedule. With no other choice, he lowered his tone and pleaded, "If the lady is here regarding my Martial Law cultivation, there is really no need. I have mended my ways and am on the right path. Before heading to Zhuque Hall for my Mao moment, I always practice our family's martial arts for at least five rounds."

"Five rounds? How is that enough?" Jiang Hanyun scoffed, "If I were Earl Chengyi, I'd have you practice at least ten rounds a day! You have such talent, if you don't practice hard now, it'll go to waste."

Naturally, Li Xuan wished to practice more sword and knife techniques, but the problem was that he didn't have the time. It was truly beyond his ability.

The next moment, however, he heard Jiang Hanyun say, "I can allow you to have your Mao moment an hour later."

Li Xuan couldn't help frowning, showing a look of hesitation, "I appreciate your high estimation of me, Madam, but this is a big deal, please allow me to reflect on it."

Inwardly, he was thrilled, but considering his original personality, it was necessary to feign reluctance.

A person who had been utterly lazy wouldn't suddenly become diligent without reason.

"I'm simply asking you to do some extra practice. It's not a big deal."

Jiang Hanyun huffed with a chuckle, "Never mind, I wasn't planning on asking your opinion anyway. I'll discuss this directly with Earl Chengyi."

Li Xuan couldn't help but smirk. But on the outside, he looked wronged, "Why must you push me so hard, Xiaowei?"

"So what if I push you? Can you bite me? Anyway, my mind's made up. If Earl Chengyi disagrees, then I'll supervise personally."

Then Jiang Hanyun suddenly clenched her right fist, causing a crackling sound from her knuckles, like the popping of stir-fried soybeans. Meanwhile, she said something dreadful with her sweet voice, "If you cannot fulfill this, or try to shirk your duties and be dishonest, you will know the consequences. Also, I am not good at controlling my anger, and if by chance it results in you losing a limb or missing parts, I hope Earl Chengyi and his lady won't take offense."

Li Xuan couldn't help but gulp

Just as Jiang Hanyun said the words 'can't do it', he saw a majestic burst of lightning radiate from her arm, extending about ten zhang around her. The scale and momentum far exceeded that of Zhang Jin, by countless factors!

He thought to himself, this punch could probably blast him out of the earth's atmosphere, or shatter him to pieces.

"Of course, I will listen to the grownups."

Li Xuan laughed awkwardly, decisively admitting defeat. He originally had the intention of going with the flow, and was even less likely to resist stubbornly at this time.

But just as he was about to speak, Li Xuan found Jiang Hanyun staring intensely at a certain direction. Following her gaze, he saw several donkey carts carrying coffins.

Li Xuan couldn't help but be surprised: "Those are the people from the Outskirts of Yizhuang outside the city, could you spot anything wrong——"

The so-called Outskirts of Yizhuang are organized by civilians to store coffins.

Those who died mysteriously or unjustly would have their coffins placed in Yizhuang organized by Buddhist temples or Taoist temples. Also, people who died far from home, or without relatives, would have their bodies collected and their burials handled by Yizhuang.

However, to avoid bringing bad luck, they usually wouldn't transport the bodies during the day. Instead, they would do it in the dead of night.

Right in front of them was a corpse-transporting team from a Yizhuang outside the city. Seven donkey carts, seven coffins, young men in black clothes driving the carts. In the cart at the front of the convoy were two Taoists, one old and one young.

Li Xuan's words came to an abrupt halt. He could faintly see a mass of black fog swirling around the coffins underneath the two Taoists.

At first, he thought it was fire, but he soon realized something was wrong. It looked more like the Yinsha mentioned in the Taoist scriptures.

But this was unbelievable. Li Xuan's cultivation level was only at the second floor level, far from being able to open his 'Spirit Eye' to directly observe ghosts.

"It's Yinsha! Lei said the evil energy inside is as thick as mud, there must be impurities in that coffin."

Jiang Hanyun confirmed Li Xuan's judgment. She squinted her eyes and shook the sleeve of her dress. The three-tailed spirit fox emerged from her sleeve, alertly lying on her shoulder.

"Stay back later and use all the talismans you can. This old Taoist's abilities might be unfathomable."

As she spoke, she had already spurred her horse forward, heading directly towards the convoy. The dragon colt under her control only walked at a leisurely pace, but the sound of its hoofbeats seemed to penetrate people's hearts.

At this moment, whether it was Li Xuan's illusion or not, he felt the atmosphere in the alley they were in suddenly become solemn and chilly.

The old Taoist also noticed them. He glanced at Jiang Hanyun without a hint of emotion in his eyes, seemingly unconcerned.

However, when Jiang Hanyun got close to a distance of ten feet from the convoy, the old Taoist's pupils suddenly emitted a crimson glow. A bloody knife light suddenly rushed from behind him, making a beeline for Jiang Hanyun.

"I knew something was off with you!" Jiang Hanyun sneered coldly. Her waist knife also unsheathed at the same time, not only like a flash of thunder, but also causing a majestic electric light in mid-air.

As the red and blue knife lights crossed in mid-air, a world-shaking boom resounded. Then, a wave of destructive force swept in all directions, causing nearly half of the surrounding buildings and walls on this street to collapse instantly.

The seven young men driving the donkey carts were all stunned by the shock. The dragon colt under Li Xuan was so frightened that it stood on its hind legs. He himself also felt the impact, causing a surge of energy and blood in his chest.

The fight between these high-ranking cultivators was so dangerous that even those watching from dozens of feet away could be affected.

By the time Li Xuan finally stabilized his own vitality and blood, and dismounted from the horse, he was shocked to find the young Taoist carrying a coffin and weaving through the debris of the knife light.

Surprisingly, instead of fleeing in other directions, he sped towards Li Xuan like lightning.

At this moment, Li Xuan's mind went blank. Almost instinctively, he used the 'Deep Freezing' technique with his palm to mobilize Zhenyuan, throwing it out.

Then he felt as if he was hit directly by a high-speed car, and was knocked straight into the air by this unstoppable force. He soared ten meters into the air like a cloud and mist before falling into a pile of collapsed brick walls.

At this point, Li Xuan's consciousness was already blurry. While struggling to keep his eyes open, he stared at the young Taoist far away, cursing his misfortune that so much shit had happened in the this short time. Then, darkness overcame him, and he sank into unconsciousness.