Chapter 162: Hurry Over (4200 words Big Chapter)_1

When Li Xuan nosebled for the second time, Jiang Yunqi had completely given up hope.

He sighed inwardly, thinking to himself, even Quan Dingtian's disciple Luo Yun, a gentleman who meticulously follows the rules and never frequents pleasure quarters, in the end, couldn't get past the gate of lust. How could Li Xuan, a lustful youngster, ever pass?

The Heavenly-Demon could stir numerous desires in people. The primary divine skill indeed lies in lust, which is the strongest ability of the Heavenly-Demon.

It was understandable that Li Xuan couldn't withstand it.

While thinking this, Jiang Yunqi once again cast his gaze toward the Heart Asking Bell behind Quan Dingtian. He was already calculating how to overcome his old friend's obstruction and get that annoying bell in his hands.

But just then, the Jijiu superintendent of the Guozi Bureau right across from him showed a light surprise in his eyes and looked down.

"What's this?"