Chapter 162: Hurry Over (4200 words Big Chapter)_2

Today's world is full of countless men in robes who are like beats, and those with wild ambitions have infiltrated the study of Neo-Confucianism and flooded into the royal court.

It is similar to the time when Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree, and the demon king Boxun declared, 'When your final days come, I will let my minions infiltrate your monkhood, disguise in your robes, disrupt your Buddhist teachings, misinterpret your scriptures, break your precepts, and impersonate your Buddhists, just to achieve my goals'.

But at present, Neo-Confucianism lacks those who protect it!


"He's gone up! He's passed the Lust Stage."

When she saw the light on the third floor come on, the whole body of Xue Yunrou relaxed, then was filled with infinite joy: "Worthy of Xuan, I knew it. With his character and will, how could he fall to lust?"