Chapter 166: Hidden Valleys_1

Inside the study of Li Chengji in the outer courtyard, father and son were sitting, but they were as restless as ants on a hot pan and couldn't calm down.

Li Yan had already drunk seven bowls of cold water, but he still couldn't resist standing up: "I'm going to the inner courtyard to see how things are going."

"Sit down!"

Li Chengji glared at him: "Given your wife's intelligence, she certainly won't be taken advantage of. She knows how to handle things and will only seize verbal advantages. But if you go over there, it will add fuel to the fire and will make your mother even angrier."

At this moment, the housekeeper of his uncle rushed in: "Master, Young Master, things have calmed down in the inner courtyard. Young Lady is heading to the west side yard. She and Madam are saying that they are tired and won't be attending the banquet in the main hall."