Chapter 167: The Meeting of Dragon and Tiger_1

When leaving the Wenxin House, Quan Dingtian and two Siye of the Guozi Bureau personally escorted Li Xuan, helping him to bypass the crowd and leading him to the entrance of the Guozi Bureau.

At the moment of parting, one of the Siye suddenly asked, "Protector, I wonder if you would be willing to join the philosophical school and become my disciple? With my guidance, I can assure you that within ten years, you will master Confucianism."

At this moment, his righteousness was stirring, sweeping across several miles — he was a master of Confucianism with a cultivation at the tenth house level.

His two colleagues, however, changed their expressions slightly, looking somewhat displeased at him.

Luckily, after some contemplation, Li Xuan shook his head vigorously: "I will read by myself in my leisure time and study the essence of Confucianism. But joining the philosophical school is not for me, as my aspirations lie elsewhere."