Chapter 186: Mountain collapse and earth split! _1

When Lin Ziyang's figure entered the giant whirlwind and landed on the castle of Tieweng City, he opened his spiritual eyes immediately, sweeping over the entire city.

——Indeed, there were no traces of Li Yan's soldiers within. The city walls were all empty.

Not only were Li Yan and Shi Shishi's subordinates nowhere to be found, but the prisoners in the city also disappeared.

However, he quickly spotted two familiar faces at the top of the east city gate tower.

With a cold sneer, he flew straight in that direction. Although his body hadn't reached there yet, his sword had already made its move. A sword aura spanning a hundred feet smashed down, not only collapsing the city gate tower where the two stood, but also shattering the city gate and walls beneath.

The two of them diverged to the left and right. One wielded an ice blade, carrying extreme cold; the other a thunder sword, accompanied by a myriad of thunderbolts, both attacking simultaneously.