Chapter 187 Why Didn't You Say It Earlier? (For Guaranteed Monthly Ticket)_1

At dawn, over the Yangtze River, two hundred warships had their sails billowing as they sped downstream.

The commander of these warships, Pang Yu, the Chongming Island naval commander of the left guard, was squinting his eyes, a deep crease between his brows forming a character '川' as he stared at the approaching Beigu Mountain.

"Didn't they say Lin Ziyang has many flanged cannons? We are so close, why haven't we heard any cannon fire?"

One of Pang Yu's subordinates, a man dressed in the attire of a Qianhu, also furrowed his brows: "Commander, I fear the battle over there has ended, it's best for us not to approach haphazardly."

"What a pity!"

Pang Yu did not believe that Tieweng City could withstand the siege, he sighed softly: "To stop Lin Ziyang from sweeping through Jiangsu and Zhejiang, this Tieweng City was the only possibility. Send someone to take a look from afar, just in case."