Chapter 2 3 4 are all tricking me_1

When Li Xuan walked out of the room, he felt numb all over, having trouble walking.

However, after his electrotherapy treatment, he felt extraordinarily revitalized, as if he had boundless energy.

At the back of his head, there was a lump which ached slightly – caused when he unintentionally glanced back and was immediately smacked by Jiang Hanyun.

Li Xuan felt a bit wronged, he swore that he had no ulterior motives, even if he did, it was merely pure admiration.

Before he stepped over the threshold, Li Xuan couldn't help but address Jiang Hanyun, who was strapping on her armor in the room, in a distressed tone, "Xiaowei, you really should treat them nicer. They're so hardworking, yet you bind them tightly. If this continues, they might sag—"


Jiang Hanyun's reaction was to grab the vase nearby and throw it at Li Xuan.