Chapter 235 Wrinkling (5000-word long chapter asking for monthly tickets)_1

Li Xuan unusually skipped work that day. He had spent half an hour in the signing room, but after feeling restless, he decided to ask Xiaowei Jiang for a leave of absence.

Jiang Hanyun agreed readily without much thought, even though she felt a sudden wave of uneasiness.

This was because during the few days that she had been confined in Zhenyao Tower, Li Xuan had managed all the affairs in Mingyou City efficiently without any problems.

Jiang Hanyun felt she owed Li Xuan a favor, hence today helping Li Xuan to look after the Third Flag was considered a gesture of reciprocity.

Lately, Li Xuan's impression in Jiang Hanyun's eyes improved greatly, he not only rigorously cultivated, but also worked tirelessly in official matters. This made her see the Li Xuan of a few years ago, so she felt at ease.

What she didn't know was that after Li Xuan left Zhuque Hall, he rushed to Xue's mansion as fast as a raging thunderstorm.