Chapter 247: The Day of Transforming Into a Dragon Stirs Up a Storm (5000 words big chapter) _1

As Li Xuan was preparing, two more people died within the hall. Like before, they were cleaved in half by a pitch-black knife scar, their bodies severed into two up to the waist.

Such a method of near-bisection caused a delay in immediate death. Along with the previous two individuals, a total of four people made heartrending screams, and the many shaken students within the hall became even more panicked.

"You can't do it," Suxin attempted to dissuade Li Xuan, "He is Knife Demon Li Zhetian! Don't let these magical instruments mislead you."

"Let's just try it!"

Li Xuan stood tall and walked towards the center of the hall.

He thought back to how he had just rebuked the many scholars in the hall with words like 'It's smaller to starve to death than lose one's principle'. And if he were to do nothing and run away now, could he still have the nerve to live as a person?