Chapter 246: Words written on the Forehead_1

"Li Zhetian?"

Quan Dingtian's gaze had already swept towards the direction of Wenxin House.

His vision penetrated multiple barriers, leading straight to the top of Wenxin House. When the unrestrained figure caught his eye, Quan Dingtian's pupils instantly contracted as an imposing air of Great Rectitude surged within him, soaring high into the sky.

"Let go of it! The Guozi Bureau won't tolerate your insolence!"

This outpouring of intense energy surprisingly condensed into several characters of purple and gold in mid-air.

Li Xuan closely observed and found that these were the contents of "The Book of Changes". Eventually, they transformed into a purple-gold eight diagrams disk, crashing down towards the top of the building with a loud thud.

With the rotation of the yin and yang, the entire top floor of Wenxin House was crushed into particles by the massive force.