Chapter 254: Blending of Ice and Thunder_1

Jiang Yunqi came and went in a hurry, and about half a moment later, he brought back a large amount of lead, tin, and mercury.

When he arrived at the training field, he saw Li Xuan holding a lump of water in his hand, surrounded by lightning, making a crackling sound.

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Yunqi looked puzzled: "Is it related to the blending of ice and thunder?"

"I'm using electrolysis to create a gas called hydrogen," Li Xuan explained. "Uncle, watch closely."

Only then did Jiang Yunqi notice a cluster of strange 'gas' hovering above Li Xuan's palm. This gas was very light and seemed to be dissipating upward, but was forcibly held there by Li Xuan's Zhenyuan.