Chapter 255: Shaobao of the Jin Dynasty_1

"Uncle, are you trying to kill me with kindness?"

Li Xuan smiled slyly, giving a bow, "I'm grateful for all the effort and fantastic feasts you have provided me during these two months, and I am more than enamored of the many demon cores and delicacies. It's an honor for me to give you some benefits and advise you."

Inwardly, he gave a sigh of relief. Finally, the debt of gratitude was repaid and he didn't have to face Lady Jiang and Jiang Hanyun with a feeling of indebtedness.

"Xuan, you needn't be modest. I acknowledge that without your advice, I may never have broken through to the heavenly level. My chances of defeating Li Zhetian are slim to none."

Jiang Yunqi shook his head but didn't say anything else - he was a man of action rather than words.

In ancient times, anyone who helped others achieve Dao was revered like a parent. Such a favor should be remembered, not just voiced.