Chapter 291 We are All Loyal_1

"Administer justice? What justice?" Ao Shuying asked in confusion, furrowing her eyebrows, "Did justice come to my bed?"

Poyang Turtle Prime Minister, bowed his head in submission, "They claim that recently due to Earl Jingan, Jiang Yunqi's son-in-law Li Xuan's fondness for golden abalone, Dragon Alligators, and Water Pythons, these creatures are being hunted everywhere to please Jiang Yunqi, this heavenly level divine doctor. As the leaders of their clans, they had no choice but to resort to such a tactic and requested the Lord to administer justice.

However, I dismissed them, stating that the Lord does not have the time and asked them to return at a later date. As for how Earl Jingan ended up on your bed, I have no idea——"

He dared not admit that it was due to his complacency that those three had managed to sneak into Ao Shuying's sleeping quarters.

Ao Shuying raised her eyebrows, wondering what all this amounted to? A disaster stirred up by a glutton?