Li Xuan did not know how long he had been in a stupor, but he was gradually regaining consciousness.

Perhaps the effects of the Jiuyou Illusionary Incense hadn't completely worn off, as Li Xuan was still in a state of 'ghost pressing on the body.' He could think but still couldn't move.

After several unsuccessful attempts to lift his eyelids, Li Xuan began to contemplate the 'Dari,' or Nuclear Fusion, in his mind once again. This could help him forcefully mobilize his Zhenyuan to drive away the hallucinogenic incense within his body.

This strategy worked like a charm, as the lethargic sensation clouding his body began to fade rapidly and his consciousness became increasingly clearer.

At this moment, he felt something wet and slimy start from his chest and brush past his face.

"What the fuck?"

Li Xuan furrowed his brows, realizing that he seemed to be held by a relatively large creature.

"Get away from me!"

He wanted to scold it, but the words came out weak and feeble.