Chapter 297: I Absolutely Will Not Live Off a Woman_1

Meanwhile, in an air battleship in the clouds, the former Heavenly Master, Zhang Guanlan, hurriedly entered Li Zhetian's cabin.

Inside this thirty-foot square room, Li Zhetian was sitting with his knees up, his body filled with silver needles nearly a foot long. His face was twisted and his body was shrouded in black air.

Dark brown blood dripped from the tips of the silver needles, spreading a pungent smell.

Upon sensing Zhang Guanlan's entrance, Li Zhetian couldn't help but frown and open his eyes, "What are you planning now? You know I'm healing and can't be disturbed."

Zhang Guanlan had already started pulling the needles out of him, "Our plan may have to start ahead of schedule. Zhang Shenye intends to pass the heritage holy artifact to his niece, Xue Yunrou."

"So you mean, the person you chose has been ruled out by Zhang Shenye?" Upon hearing this, Li Zhetian was surprised, "Didn't you say it was foolproof?"