Chapter 296: Li Xuan, the King of Living Off Women (Seeking Monthly Tickets) _1

Upon hearing Li Xuan's words, admiration and gratitude swept over Zhang Shenye, illuminating his eyes.

In their current predicament, Li Xuan's words were undoubtedly the strongest support for him.

"Earl Jingan, you're too kind," Zhang Shenye responded. "Indeed, Tianshi's mansion needs your and Immortal Master Shuide's help today. However, we would never dare to say we are 'instructing' you."

In the depths of Ao Shuying's eyes too, a glimmer of cryptic emotion flashed. She was supposed to come here as a friend, with the intention to repay a favor.

But when she heard Li Xuan's words about 'three destined lifetimes', she felt an unexpected surge of jealousy. Did Li Xuan really like this Xue Yunrou that much?

However, she was skilled in keeping her emotions hidden, not allowing any of her internal turmoil to show on her face.