Chapter 295: This Is the Protector of Neo-Confucianism (4300 words, asking for monthly votes!)_3

She was a quick-witted individual, and in an instant, she understood that her uncle was facing a palace coup.

The intentions of these people were to use this opportunity to force her uncle to transfer the position of the 'Heavenly Master' to the branch of the Zhang family.

Zhang Shenye ignored their arguments. He swept his sleeve and guarded Xue Yunrou behind him, then stared intently at Li Xuan and Ao Shuying following behind him.

"You must be Earl Jingan, Li Qianzhi, right? Indeed, a young hero. As for you—"

Zhang Shenye looked at her, his eyes filled with doubt.

"My surname is Ao!" Ao Shuying looked back at Zhang Shenye with her hands behind her back, "Ao Shuying!"

Zhang Shenye's pupils contracted immediately, revealing a hint of surprise and delight.

But at this time, someone next to him snorted coldly: "No matter who you are, the matter discussed here is internal to the Tianshi's mansion, outsiders please leave."