Chapter 298: How Am I So Strong (Seeking Monthly Tickets and Subscriptions)_4

The opponent's Martial Law appears to be the 'Chenshan Sword of Zhengyi' from Longhu Mountain. Accumulating the weight of a thousand mountains, it has achieved an invincible sword.

His heart slightly sunk, feeling a bit panicked.

Although this person is also at the tenth house level, his combat prowess is incomparable to the previous two.

However, Li Xuan was still unphased, with his hand on the 'Bixue Leique Sword', he used part of his gaze to look at Zhang Zhaoyuan, with a smirk on his face.

"Words are useless, you can try it if you want—"

At this point, Zhang Zhaoyuan had already walked to the front of the sword mark he drawn.

He stepped over the sword mark without hesitation.

Thus, in the courtyard of the Ancestral Master Hall, two 'clang' sounds were heard again, along with two cold lights like flying ribbons.