Chapter 298: How Am I So Strong (Seeking Monthly Tickets and Subscriptions)_3

At this point on the ground, Li Xuan had already turned away his gaze. He knew that he didn't have to worry about Ao Shuying.

Rather, he himself was now surrounded by a group of enemies.

Just as Ao Shuying and Zhang Guanlan began to fight, the outer layer of Tianshi's mansion also filled with the sound of numerous technique explosions and combat noise, the piercing sound of weapon clashes, shockingly harsh to the ears.

Despite the fact that the 'Shenxiao Heavenly Thunder Array' of Longhu Mountain had been destroyed, and the mansion's defensive array had also been shattered by the bombshells fired at it, the Monsters and those unknown Wu cultivators Spellcasters that had surged in like tide, had not been able to conquer outright.

The resistance of more than a thousand disciples in Tianshi's mansion was strong and unyielding, not giving an inch. They did not let any Monster or outsider enter the core area of the entire mansion.