Chapter 318: The True Function of Taotie (6000 words, request for recommendations and monthly votes) _3

If the former is hardware, then the latter is software. Even a supercomputer with a computing power of a trillion times will not perform better than a mobile phone or a personal computer without a suitable algorithm and software driver.

"So what about the Transport Yamen at Taierzhuang, has there been any movement?"

At this point, Li Xuan suddenly felt extremely hungry. His complexion changed slightly, and he quickly took out a few porcelain bottles from the Sumi Ring and swallowed all the 'Jiuyou Oil' inside.

Heavenly Master Zhang Shenye had previously given him five bottles, which Li Xuan thought would be enough for a while. Because he had been staying on Longhu Mountain, he didn't have the chance to go shopping.

But right now, Li Xuan regretted it. For some reason today, after swallowing these bottles of 'Jiuyou Oil', he still wasn't satiated.

Thus, he had to take out more food from the small Sumi Ring and ate it hastily and eagerly.