Chapter 318: The True Function of Taotie (6000 words, request for recommendations and monthly votes) _4

——It was an overwhelming surge of Hao Qi, the essence of countless scholars, ten times stronger than the Pillar of Hao Qi of the scholars from the Guozi Bureau that day.

"What is this?"

"It is the officials of Capital City and the scholars of Guozi Bureau who are making a solemn request." Zuo Daoxing sighed. "At present, the public opinion in the Capital City is in turmoil. Your Majesty and the officers here are anxious. Unfortunately, bad news from north arrived recently indicating the invasion of the Mongol scouts, causing alarm around Xuanfu. If this case is not solved quickly, I'm afraid the officials in the court will have no mind to deal with other affairs."

Then he bowed solemnly and said, "Don't worry my lord, Earl Jingan. Regarding the assault on you in the canal, my Xiuyiwei will definitely investigate thoroughly and give you a satisfying answer."