Chapter 329: Hearts Connected in Spirit (Seeking Recommendations and Monthly Tickets)_1

"Yan, be reasonable. Verses and tunes are not like cabbages; they don't just pop up on demand. What's more, you want something comparable to 'clouds wanting to dress and flowers wanting to look beautiful', that's even more challenging. How can a hastily composed verse do justice to you, Yan?"

As Li Xuan spoke, his eyes seemed a bit distant. He'd never seen Luo Yan behave in such a cute, petulant manner, which was a sharp contrast to her usual self.

Luo Yan looked back at Li Xuan with puzzled eyes, then conceded. Indeed, her request had been too demanding; even the great scholars of ancient times wouldn't have been able to meet such a request.

"Alright, I'll let it slide this time. But you have to give me a deadline; you can't keep dragging it on--"

Just as Luo Yan was reluctantly getting these words out, Li Xuan suddenly grabbed her by the shoulder with one hand, and took the hair hoop off her head with the other.