Chapter 328 Lost Daughter and Lost Soldiers? _2

Li Xuan chuckled, "After all, I was brought up in the earl's mansion and have spent several years in pleasure houses. How could I not possess such skills?"

However, upon arriving and settling in the main hall of Earl Huichang's mansion with Sun Jizong, he found that tonight's banquet was indeed 'sincere'. In front of him, where he was accompanying his guests, was a pot of Golden Abalone Soup, and a famous dish made from dragon alligator tail and tiger meat called 'Huju Longpan'.

At a glance, the dragon alligator tail was clearly over two hundred years old, and concerning the Golden Abalone Soup - Li Xuan took a taste and found it to be from an abalone over three hundred years old.

"I had someone inquire about your likes, Master Earl Jingan, that you enjoy Golden Abalone, Dragon Alligator and Tiger. So, I asked the people from Shanwei House to prepare this feast, hoping it will suit your taste."