Chapter 328 Lost Daughter and Lost Soldiers? _1

"Go again?" Peng Fulai looked at Zhang Yue discontentedly: "Isn't this just asking for trouble? Didn't you hear Luo Yan saying that after three times of this Demon Sect charm technique, infatuation would be deeply sown? Surely, you haven't succumbed to someone else's scheme?"

"It can't be. This Demon Sect charm technique consumes a lot. One can only use it once every two days. The charm effect on him is limited, not to mention that I'm watching."

Luo Yan's pupils flashed with a purple light as she examined Zhang Yue through her spirit eye: "It seems he genuinely likes that girl named Wu."

Peng Fulai's eyes widened in disbelief: "Zhang Taishan, have you gone mad? That woman clearly has malicious intent, and she is also targeting Li Xuan."

"I know it's stupid." Zhang Yue dropped his head dejectedly, "but I just miss her, I want to see her again. Whatever, if you're against it, then I won't go--"