Chapter 333 Purple Air Coming from the East (Seeking Recommendations and Monthly Tickets)_2

Sun Jizong was stunned, then suddenly turned his head to look at the talisman in Wei Bailong's hand.

But at this moment, what shocked his heart even more was the expressions of those students of the Guozi Bureau. As Sun Jizong looked out, he saw all those students discussing with each other, their eyes full of coldness.

"I knew it, Mr. Hufa is of impeccable character. How could he have an affair with someone?"

"He was indeed framed. How audacious is this relative of the Empress to be so arrogant? So bold!"

"It's infuriating. After the death of Li Zhetian, all scholars under heaven owe a favor to Mr. Hufa. This person has such audacity—"

"That demonic empress' brother, was he ever a good person?"

"And to deliberately set up a trap within the Guozi Bureau, his heart should be executed!"

Sun Jizong also saw the solemn faces of the Jijiu of the Guozi Bureau and many professors and lecturers.