Chapter 333 Purple Air Coming from the East (Seeking Recommendations and Monthly Tickets)_3

However, Li Xuan's face remained serene. With a 'shua' sound, he opened his Song of Righteousness folding fan again and waved it in front of his chest. "As I said before, Duke Yansheng is meddling too much. When did the inheritance of the Hufa of Neo-Confucianism ever require approval from Duke Yansheng?"

Master Yu and the forefathers of Neo-Confucianism entrusted the Wenshan Seal to me, hoping that I could uphold the orthodoxy of Neo-Confucianism. If I lost the Wenshan Seal, it would mean I lost the way; it would betray the trust of Master Yu."

He looked coldly at Kong Xiude: "Duke Yansheng, it would be easy for you to take this Wenshan Seal, but why not ask for Master Yu's permission first, then ask me for it?"

Kong Xiude was not surprised at all and sneered, "As expected, you don't respect the laws and your superiors! It seems you are forcing me to take action."