Chapter 334: The Burning Heart (Requesting Recommendations and Monthly Tickets)_1

"I have already experienced it, so what?"

Behind Li Xuan, the purple bamboo shadows gently swayed. The bamboo body appeared slightly bent under the pressure of Hao Qi, but its root system was firmly anchored in the ground, unshakeable.

Li Xuan's body was the same way. Under the red gold pillar of Qi that Kong Xiude had placed upon him, the immense pressure was like a gust of wind passing by - it did not linger on objects and did not stay on his body. This allowed him to instantly relieve over half of the pressure he was under. The remaining pressure was dissipated by the Armored Taotie and the scroll of "The Song of Integrity".

Li Xuan's internal injuries, the ruptured blood vessels, shocked internal organs, and fractured bones, were rapidly healed under his extraordinary recovery ability.