Chapter 335: Blocking the Light of the Sun and the Moon (Big Chapter asking for Monthly Tickets and Subscriptions) _1

At the time of turmoil in the Guozi Bureau, Shaobao Yu Jie, the Minister of War, was in the public hall of his ministry, handling official documents.

Because he had left the capital and personally gone to Shanhai Pass to inspect the border defenses three days ago, the affairs that required his personal handling inside the Ministry of War had piled up like a mountain.

When a red gold pillar of air rose towards the sky from the direction of the Guozi Bureau, he still pulled his attention from the tedious official documents.

"Duke Yansheng?"

Some disgust showed in Yu Jie's eyes. Then from his brow, he opened a golden eye, looking in the direction of the Guozi Bureau and Wen Temple.

In just a moment, anger appeared in Yu Jie's eyes. He suddenly rose from the public hall, flying into the sky.

At this time, Yu Jie saw a person standing at the entrance—it was the current Cifu, Shaobao Gao Gu.