Chapter 358: The Pleased Earl Huichang_1

"Li Xuan?" Luo Yan turned to Li Xuan, puzzled: "How did you get here, Li Xuan?"

"I was about to ask you the same. Why are you in the Jinkui Stone Room?"

Li Xuan walked up to Luo Yan, noticing that her hand was motionless on a bookshelf. He furrowed his eyebrows: "What's wrong with this bookshelf?"

"It's a trap, an activated one."

Luo Yan chuckled bitterly: "The person who set this trap is exceptionally skilled with arrays. If I release my hand now, the entire Jinkui Stone Room's talisman array would collapse, all the documents, all the records, all the evidence will be burned."

A chill ran down Li Xuan's spine, he figured this case from Inspectorate wasn't as straightforward as it seemed.

He looked at what Luo Yan was holding. It turned out to be a letter: "This the evidence from the case of the Xunjian Yushi of the two Huai rivers, Xia Guangwei?"

So, this was what attracted Luo Yan here?