Chapter 359: Shuying's Anger (5000-word Mega Chapter)_1

In the Jinkui Stone Room, within a chamber labeled "south Zhili," Li Xuan was sipping the elixir soup ladled to him by Sun Chuyun with an inexplicable sense of disappointment.

"Just drinking your white tiger elixir soup? We're not doing anything else?"

He was thinking, 'I can't even resist anymore. Aren't you going to do something to me, girl, like this or that?'

"What did you think I was going to do?"

Sun Chuyun asked back, somewhat puzzled. She hummed, "I put a lot of effort into this soup, but you don't seem to care."

Li Xuan found the soup was mediocre at best compared to Mrs. Jiang's cooking, but he was worried about what she might do to him and just kept sipping and answering perfunctorily: "Not bad, but don't make it next time. Focus more on official duties; that benefits us more."

"Official duties? If I work hard, Xuan, will you go shopping with me?"