Chapter 365: Rightly Transforming into a Dragon (Peak Climax in a Major Chapter, Seeking Votes)_2

Under the influence of the overwhelming force and courage, the trail left behind by Li Xuan's pen suddenly imitated the technique used when he wrote 'Zhu Shi' before, with solid and silver slithers slashing the canvas like a surprised dragon.

When Li Xuan got to the part that wrote: 'Chu prisoners wearing caps, transporting carriages to the impoverished north. The pots and pans were sweet as toffee, but unobtainable. The dark room housed ghostly fires, and the spring courtyard was as black as night', the wall in front of him began to collapse and shrink, gradually becoming as hard as steel. It radiated countless sharp and majestic Hao Qi, slaughtering, and dispersing all the ghosts trying to get close!