Chapter 365: Rightly Transforming into a Dragon (Peak Climax in a Major Chapter, Seeking Votes)_3

"How could it not be acknowledged? The poetic meaning of this poem coincides with the Gongyang School's theory of 'great vengeance', and also conforms to the Saint's principle of 'retaliate with uprightness against resentment, and respond to kindness with kindness'."

Duke Yansheng, Kong Xiude, had a stern face, struggling to control his palpitation: "This poem is full of grand momentum and intense killing intent, it's a weapon for killing that is rare to see in a thousand years of Confucianism road. It might even be on par with 'The Song of Integrity' in the future."

Kong Xiude thought to himself that people have always said that 'If talent under the heavens could be collected to fill a stone, Li Qianzhi would occupy eight decaliters', and now it seems there was no exaggeration in this statement.

He now had a faint sense of regret for being involved in a conflict with Li Xuan for the Heavenly Key.