Chapter 408: The Lover and the Concubine's Knife (Climax Request Monthly Ticket) _1

Wu Zhiqi was also striving with all its might to restore its body, conjuring more Taiyin Zhenshui and transforming it into extremely solid water shields.

Its previous bout had taught it a serious lesson: Li Xuan and Luo Yan's strategy to attack localized points had rendered its Taiyin water barrier completely ineffective.

However, upon hearing Li Xuan's declaration, Wu Zhiqi's pupils widened in surprise.

"A descendant of Li Lexing? The current Earl Chengyi is your father?"

It then burst into laughter: "Master Huaibi was right indeed, the current generation from the Earl Chengyi's mansion is far from simple!"

By the time it delivered this statement, Wu Zhiqi noticed that the two swords held by Li Xuan and Luo Yan had started to shimmer like illusions.

At the same time, two exceptionally sharp Yis of the sword merged together, striking at its Shenpo. This unparalleled blade edge fostered a sense of crisis in its heart.