Chapter 409: Flooded Buddha's Knee (Requesting Monthly Pass) _1

Li Yan, while interrogating Tao Zhen, was in a dense forest 230 kilometers away. A figure with a refined look, dressed in the robes of an Imperial Censor, was nervously pointing towards a wooden doll carved with Tao Zhen's birth date with his slightly trembling right hand.

But when his fingertips touched the brow of the doll, the trembling of his right hand increased dramatically, and he was unable to muster the strength to point it out.

"Why don't you do it?" A hoarse and cold voice sounded from behind the imperial censor.

With this voice, a pool of nearby liquid coalesced into a figure the size of a finger, coldly looking at the man in the green gown: "When will you wait? Tao Zhen has already been captured by Earl Chengyi's family forces, which poses a huge risk. Are you going to wait until he reveals everything?"