Chapter 416: No Turning Back (Seeking Monthly Tickets)_3

At his words, almost everyone in the room turned their eyes towards him.

"Don't talk big." Li Chengji managed a bitter laugh, "What will you use to kill him? His mana increases by at least half every two hours. If we delay further, we won't even be able to defend Yichang City."

"I have my ways!" Li Xuan turned around and said, "We need to hold on a little longer, wait until all the people in Zhijiang have been evacuated. The Dragon Kings can assist with this, with their Style Speed magic, the process will be much quicker."

Li Chengji wondered if they would have to flood the levee again. But then, timing was everything.

Complete evacuation of Zhijiang would take at least a day.

By that time, how much will Xiangyue's mana have grown? How much strength will they have left?

Simultaneously, Li Chengji found some hope.

His son had created numerous miracles to this day. Li Chengji found him quite reliable in his heart.