Chapter 416: No Turning Back (Seeking Monthly Tickets)_2

This time, he too had been infected by the poisonous fire, but there seemed to be no issue with him at the moment due to the help of the Armored Taotie and Lv Qiluo.

He figured that if Lv Qiluo could help heal him, then she must be able to assist Luo Yan and Li Chengji as well.

However, Li Xuan did not hold out much hope, as when he had asked the same question while traveling, Lv Qiluo's response had left him greatly disappointed.

As anticipated, Lv Qiluo shook her head indifferently, "I've already explained. It's not that I can't, but that I shouldn't. I could heal their injuries in an instant, but that would mean both of us would be facing imminent disaster."

Li Xuan felt a chill in his heart and then continued to silently watch the river without uttering a word.