Chapter 418: Man Overcomes Heaven (Climax Begs for Monthly Ticket)_3

But what's even more dangerous are the sharp, horned skulls growing from Xiangyue. One of them, carrying a massive water vortex, is hurtling towards Li Xuan.

"Water is the softest element in the world, yet it overpowers the hardest,"

Right now, Xiangyue seems to have transformed into the waterways of the world, with a raging current aiming for Li Xuan. Despite his body being sealed, Xiangyue's Wuyi is nearly at mid-Hun level at this moment.

What's even more horrifying is that several other snake heads follow closely behind, all attacking in succession.

Li Xuan's expression was icy. As he dismissed the Void Yi, he pondered on the scene of Dari.

"A diligent person, the heavens do not abandon, sleep on straw and taste the bile, three thousand Yue soldiers can swallow Wu."