Chapter 418: Man Overcomes Heaven (Climax Begs for Monthly Ticket)_2

At the same time as Li Xuan felt the mighty strength throughout his body, he also sensed the change in his two armguards - 'Taotie' and 'Wuqu Pojun'.

The power of these two Immortal Artifacts in the hands of individuals of different realms is entirely different.

Despite Li Xuan's impressive strength, making him unrivaled among the cultivators of The Third Door, he could at most only unleash a tenth of the power of the Immortal Artifact, 'Taotie'.

However, now, with the assistance of the Confucian Hao Qi brought forth by the students, Li Xuan had once again reached the Heavenly Level, and he could sense the changes in both 'Taotie' and 'Wuqu Pojun'.

Firstly, the dormant and compliant state of the two Artifact Spirits in 'Wuqu Pojun', and secondly, all the prohibitions within the Immortal Artifact were fully activated, absorbing Spirit Elements from heaven and earth in an endless stream, even forming two massive vortices on the river's surface.