Chapter 435: Moves like a Thunderbolt_1

It wasn't until he entered Chengtian Gate that Huangfu Xuanji learned that his trusted advisor Sun Ran had been murdered. His face turned ashen, the fury in his gaze almost tangible.

"Investigate thoroughly! Take my nameplate, go to the Shuntian Government Yamen and the inner chang, urge them to thoroughly investigate this case! In the capital, in broad daylight, they have such audacity!

Ensure they find the murderers quickly - I want them cut into a thousand pieces!"

At Huangfu Xuanji's furious roar, several attendants immediately took his nameplate and ran off.

Huangfu Xuanji then began to gaze around coldly.

Sun Ran's death had filled him with rage, but even more so, it filled him with dread.