Chapter 436: No Room for Mercy_1

The hour of Chen had just begun when the Emperor stepped into the Taihe Gate and took his seat on the throne. The First Hope Dachao, which had been paused for nearly twenty days due to the new year, officially started.

Huangfu Xuanji stood with a gloomy look among the officials, his heart uneasy.

The first thing to be discussed in today's court meeting was the flood in Jiangnan.

The first to step out from the crowd was Yu Jie, Minister of the War Department. He held his token, his face cold as he announced, "Your Majesty! The Southern Zhili Navy reported yesterday that starting from the ninth day of the first lunar month, the twelve navy camps in south Zhili, under the command of Li Chengji, tidu of the caojiang navy, fought continuously for several days, killing no less than thirty thousand water demons. Starting from yesterday, the water demons plaguing Han River have all been eradicated.