Chapter 437: Kylin's Advice (Seeking Monthly Tickets)_1

In the wee hours, atop a desolate, uninhabited mountain near the Three Gorges in the north of Yichang, a sudden burst of intense light appeared.

The light was as bright as the sun, illuminating the surrounding area of over two hundred miles like it was daylight. The cries of pain and bodies of all evil spirits and demons within seventy miles turned to fire and burned in this light. The surrounding forest was also ablaze due to the high temperature.

The intense light lasted for about fifty breaths before it faded. Shortly after, a heavy rain began, extinguishing the wildfire within moments.

At this time on the mountaintop, Li Xuan was closing his eyes, consolidating the memories of the recent event.

Qiu Qianqiu was examining the magnetic restraining device that Li Xuan had temporarily requested to be made. His eyes shining with curiosity, he mused, "Is this the view of the Dari? It indeed has some of the divine power of the Dari."