Chapter 183: Sending off the Girl!_2

Iron Zheng, who is now thirty, was also momentarily arrested by Hu Meiniang's appearance, but he soon managed to avert his eyes.

Only the Crow Demon, whose gaze tightly followed Hu Meiniang's every move, remained fixated on her.

Becoming aware of the Crow Demon's fervent gaze.

Hu Meiniang turned to the Crow Demon and gave him a smile.

That single smile almost stole away the Crow Demon's soul, his eyeballs nearly popping out of their sockets.


Watching the Crow Demon's reaction.

Lu Wufei, seated at the head of the table, could hardly bear it any longer, and gave a subtle cough.

The cough instantly snapped the Crow Demon back to consciousness, and his gaze cleared up considerably. He immediately lowered his head, daring not to look any longer.

As he watched Hu Meiniang taking her seat.

Lu Wufei didn't bear any grudge against her.