Chapter 183: Sending off the Girl!_3

She was really worried and afraid.

She was very afraid of her teacher, and even more afraid of messing up her teacher's affairs.

Even though the king had said before the feast that he would discuss matters with her teacher.

Hu Meiniang remained very scared.

If she made a mistake.

Her teacher might not blame King Bai Lang.

But he would definitely blame her.

A demon in anger won't reason, let alone a female demon.

But she didn't dare to remind King Bai, and she didn't dare to press him.

She could only keep drinking to disguise her inner anxiety.

As for Lu Wufei.

His decision to stay back and inform Hu Meiniang of the feast was purely a reminder to the Ancestor of Demon, Hu Yue, to be cautious.

He had just returned from the Sect after many years.

And she had sent for him immediately.

Of course.

The two sides have had pleasant dealings over the years, and some friendship has built up.

He would definitely show respect.

Halfway through the feast.